Tuesday 4 December 2007

Thursday 10 May 2007

Size 0

We i go out looking for clothes or look in magazines i hate it when i see young skinny models posing in the clothes. They don't look good and don't do any satisfactory for the item of clothing, because they don't even fill the outfit out.

When i look at a size 0 model i think that she look ill, i don't want to see what her skeleton looks like walking down the catwalk and i would agree in saying size 0 is bad!.

In college i did a art project on anorexia and i was horrified when i discovered pictures of girls who purposely starve themselves, i hate looking at them. There are people starving all over the world but not on purpose so why do it when your lucky enough to have food whenever you want it?.

When i was doing my research i discovered web sites that encouraged girls to become anorexic and i couldn't believe it. They was saying Victoria Beckham is anorexic and you will look as good as her if you do the same.

Being a size 0 is not healthy and doesn't look good no matter what you do and from every angle i think the government should be doing more to ban size 0 models from being on catwalks and magazines, because young girls who look at those magazines etc will think that's normal and will idolise it. That's when eat disorders occur and it's not right.

I had a friend who had a eating disorder we was at school and she thought she was fat just because other girls called her fat and she didn't have an ounce of fat on her, it was the girls being Jealous of her figure. After a while i noticed that she wasn't eating and was losing weight, mostly in her face. I remember she had huge cheek bones were there was her skull and skin it was awful.

I see her around sometimes and she has put some of the weight back on, not enough though. She eventually had stopped being tormented because people saw what they were doing to her, but it shouldn't come down to girls starving themselves for anything, whether is to get on the catwalk or from being bullied its wrong whatever way you look at it.

Wednesday 9 May 2007


Can music be classed as bad???

I don't think it can be, i think music is a very individual thing. There is some kinds of music which doesn't suit some people but may suit others.

I personally don't like music that talks about sex and oral sex and killing people, i have heard some songs talk about being intimate which i have liked such as P!nk because she does it in a funky way.

I like music in which people can sing about their lives and situations in a none disgusting way ( if you know what i mean), 50 cent talks a lot about guns shoot out which are okay, but his songs about sex like, Candyshop i don't like.

As i said music is a very personal thing but i don't think it can be classed as a bad thing, although some people would. Music influences people's lives, more than we relise it's a good and a slightly bad thing, because it can cheer us up when we need it like in clubs etc but it can create emotion like at funerals.

I love music so much i would rather have music than TV and i love pretty much all kinds of music. For me personally it's good because she shows our personality and makes us individuals.

Tuesday 8 May 2007


I would say that drinking can be a good thing and a bad thing, because it's not 100% bad, but it's not really good for you either.

I personally don't drink i really don't see the point in it, it's expensive and makes you feel like shit afterwards. I use to drink from the age of 14/ 15 and i use to get off my face every Friday and Saturday night to the point in which i would pass out and wouldn't be able to remember half of the night. It was at my friends house and we only stayed in the house so it's not as bad as drinking on the streets like some kids do now. But even still it's no excuse.

I like to think that i have got the need for drinking out of my system and that i won't feel the need for it in the future. Whenever i do go out with my friends they drink and always try to get me to, but i never feel the urge to do it. I hate the after feeling of headaches, sick and hangovers i don't think it's worth the after feeling at all.

I stopped drinking about 2/ 3 years ago and just decided that that was it, i didn't want to do it anymore and i haven't since.

More and more people nowadays are drinking and they are young too. I work in the pub and see what drink does to people and it breaks my heart. I generally think drinking will become a bigger problem in the future.

Monday 7 May 2007


Comment on Abi Maccioni - http://maccioni.blogspot.com/


I agree with what Abi says about swearing, a lot of people are doing it nowadays and people appear to be excepting it. I hear children all the time swearing, like Abi and i agree it is disgusting!.

"I was shocked the other day when i heard nothing other than "bastard" and "fuck off" come out of a five year old mouth, i think that's disgusting."

I hate the language people use, especially in public, i too work in a pub and the language is awful. It is nothing but rude. People who swear don't sound good, but sound like morons who feel they have to swear to look and sound good and they don't.

Friday 4 May 2007


Lies i think can be good and bad. They can be good in a way so that people don't get hurt, such as children. By telling them the dog ran away or went to a new home, when really it was put down. That is classed as a white lie, for me. I think those kind of lies are okay, because it's to protect someone for a good reason.
Black lies i hate and don't see the point in. Black lies for me would be saying you didn't murder someone when you really did. Topics kind of similar to that are black lies, anything that is going to hurt someone and get yourself out of a situation that is bad, such as infidelity is wrong.



Thursday 3 May 2007


I hate infidelity!!!

I feel so strong about this subject, i not sure why though. I hate hearing all these stories about people whose partners have been cheating on them, there is no point in it what so ever, if you even think you may cheat you obviously don't like/ love your partner as much as you thought and shouldn't be with them.

People who do cheat i have no sympathy for, they deserve to get all the paranoid er in world for there next relationship, i just feel sorry for their next partner.

I know somebody from work who amazes me every time i see them. He is the most BIGGEST idol to anyone, he loves his wife and child so much it's amazing. If ever everyone asks him about his child he has this huge smile on his face and will talk none stop about them, but when he does talk about them he has such passion in his voice, he is only in his early 20's.

I really wish that there was more people in the world like him, maybe not having babies etc, but being so committed to one person. I t would definitely make the world a better place.

Tuesday 1 May 2007


I personally don't like gambling, because i hate thought of me losing my money so easily. I don't necessarily think gambling is really bad, but i don't like it when people become addicted to it and waste so much money.

I work in a pub where we have slot machines and i see so many people losing money all the time and i feel sorry for them to a certain point. I've seen people putting money in them when there have children and i don't understand why they can't go buy their child something like a toy instead.

I will on the odd occasion do some form of gambling, i will always put a bet on the Grand National, but to me it's just a bit of fun so i won't put a lot on. I never win so i know not to put too much on, i can understand the rush it gives people but i don't know how they can do it all the time let alone afford to do it.

Gambling is such a huge topic because there's so many different types of it nowadays, like the lottery, scratch cards, slot machines etc. I think gambling is a personal thing to do, as well as a stupid thing to do. The odds of actually winning a lot of money is extremely rare which is why the owners are so wealthy.

I think the future for gambling will just grow and more and more people will do it, unfortunately for them they will lose their money. I think there should be restrictions and it do some degree and it shouldn't be encouraged.

Thursday 26 April 2007

Bad Comedians

Is there really such a thing as a bad comedian ?

I don't believe that there is, different comedians amuse different people and depending on that person's particular humour depends on the kind of comedian they prefer.

There is such a variety of comedians nowadays and neither of them talk about all the same topics. What some people may find offensive others will find funny and if you don't particularly like a comedian you don't have to listen to them. Not everybody will like the same humour but that's what makes us all individuals.

Personally i don't like comedians who make a joke out of serious matters, i have laughed at some of the jokes I've heard but i don't agree with them. Topics such as 9/11 and Princess Diana I've heard numerous of jokes and i personally don't like them. I like comedians such as Peter Kay who can make me laugh with topics i can relate to, simple things such as family get togethers.

Wednesday 25 April 2007


When i found out that we would be watching a film called Kids 1995 which was band by Warner Bros i was really intrigued into what all the fuss was about. I had never heard of the film before and knew from past experience that band films such as Clockwork Orange 1971 were band for good reasons.

"Opening to the amplified sound of passionate kissing, we find Telly (Leo Fitzpatrick) locked in embrace with a barely pubescent girl (Sarah Henderson). With soothing words he massages her ego and fears, telling her how much he cares for her and how she's the only one. Resolving her major worry, which is that she doesn't want a baby, Telly unclasps her bra and moves lower".

I found the opening scene really awkward to watch because it felt wrong to be watching two young people doing that. As the film went on i couldn't believe what i was watching it was discussing.
The film follows the kids throughout the day as they skate, smoke and drink. It involves racism and rape which are apart of life i agree but i felt as if there was no point in putting them into a film, it gives the impression that it's not that bad as it's allowed to be viewed in cinemas. People idolise films at times such as Chucky 1988 it can be peoples excuse for certain actions seen in films and obviously this isn't the case at all.
I don't think the ban on this film should have been lifted, it shows disturbuing images and gets children acting in a discussing manor.

Tuesday 27 March 2007

Tattoos and Piercings

Out of all the lectures we had set for us on this course this was the one that i was most looking forward to. I found the lecture really interesting but at some points disgusting.
I personally don't find tattoos or piercings as being bad, i can understand why some people would though. I know a lot of people get them as a form of rebellion, when i first had my tattoo it wasn't any kind of rebelliousness but a form of expression, i only had a star on my foot, which is nothing really.
The response i got was insane, people would think that i had a tattoo covering my whole foot and leg, people were disgusted that i had one because it was not feminine to have them. I could'nt believe the reaction and this is what has made me get more tatoos. I only have three and they aren't huge either but people still comment on them all the time.
When I'm at work people are always saying something to me about them whether it's good or bad, most the time people ask me 'Why have them?' and i always say 'Why not?' i found out that people can't answer back with a good enough reason.
I love tattoos and piercings, i don't like people covered in them head to toe but if that's what they want to do then fair play to them.
I don't really know the full history on them but i know that they play a huge part in some religions and lives so i think it should be something that people should come to terms with more and not see it as 'bad thing'.


Wednesday 21 March 2007

Being too religious

I believe that religion is a very individual subject and no one can force it upon anybody. Religion is a hard subject for me to discuss i don't feel that i can express my views on religion 100 percent without offending somebody.
There are many different groups of religion i, myself, am a christain. I work with an group called "X - stream" and they are a christain group, we help young people throughout difficulties in their lives, but we don't force religion upon them. We see it as helping them and supporting them through hard times. I am not as a strong believer in God as some of the people who work there, but i do find praying and believing in God a good thing. This is just my personal opinion.
Even though i do believe in God i do believe that some people can be too religious i don't think it should rule people's lives but i don't believe people should forget about it either.

Thursday 15 March 2007


I find talking about this topic really difficult, due to every body's individual opinions. In my own personal opinion i agree and disagree with bandits, it depends on two things, one: what they have done and two why they did it.
For people like Robin Hood i agree with, but i think the Disney film helped me with that. In a way it is stealing and that's bad no matter how you dress it up, but it is for a good cause, so i would agree with it.
People like Bonnie and Clyde i don't agree with, the killed innocent people for their own benefits.
I think that there are two types of bandits the good bandits who commit crimes to help others and bad bandits who commit crimes for their own wealth fair. Even still i don't agree 100% with my own opinion because i still question myself in agreeing with some and not others even though they fall under the same title.
Does that mean Disney can make everything good?

Wednesday 7 March 2007


I do think that smoking is a 'bad' thing, it has no advantages at all.
Whenever you ask a smoker "what is a good thing about smoking?" not one good answer is given. Most of the time people just say, 'because i look good doing it' it makes me laugh because it's so far from the truth.
I don't mind if people want to smoke because it's a personal choice but i get frustrated when people smoke due to peer pressure etc. I wish people were strong and stood up for their OWN opinions. Most of my old school friends smoked only because the 'popular' kids did, i hated it.
I suffer with asthma so it effects me when i am surrounded by smokers, which i am at least 4 nights a week when i work. I work in a pub where obviously people smoke, i don't mind it as long as there smoke only in smoking areas. It annoys me when people are rude and smoke in none areas.
Some smokers are rude and don't consider others around them, it's not the nicest of things to have people's smoke blown in your face. It''s frustrating because then it starts affecting my health and why should it if I've chosen not to smoke.
I think that when the smoking ban arrives it will benefit most people, it will give people a reason to quit and see the difference health and money wise.



I personally don't think masturbation can be classed as 'bad', it something that everybody has done or will try at some point in their lives. Masturbation isn't bad it's a 'process' that allows you to get intimate with yourself and learn about your body.
I would say that it's not just men that do it all the time either, i know most of my girlfriends have/ do do it and i don't think it's anything to make a fuss over.
I remember when i was 11 the guy i was dating use to do it i was disgusted, it took me a while to become comfortable with the idea, because i saw it as some form of threat. I know now that i was just me being really insecure and stupid but at the time i hated it.
Masturbation can still cause trouble in the media as it offends some members of the public, which is fair enough so i don't think it's a good idea to exploit it everywhere. We all know it takes place and what it is so there's no need to make a fuss of it. If people want to then they shouldn't make it noticeable to the world. Although there are songs which sing about this, most of the recent songs i have heard are by female singers, such as Britney spears and P!nk. I think this is done so women can see it's not just a way to 'get off' but a way to learn about your body.


Wednesday 21 February 2007


Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex but then not supplying it?

I found this question fairly hard to answer, i heard different point of views and agreed with some arguments. I don't think it is prostitution because the sex didn't take place, if the person who was been dined knew that they would have to have sex in return and did i would think that it could be classed as prostitution. For me it would have to really depend on the situation.

If it is prostitution then how much is a reasonable charge?

Prostitution is the worst job for anyone to do and i don't think any amount of money can buy sex from somebody. I think more people in the world should start respecting themselves more and not just put it out there to buy. As i don't agree with prostitution is anyway i don't think that sex can have a price tag.


Is shoplifting any different to any other kind of theft?

I don't believe shoplifting to be different to any other type of stealing, it is still stealing in some form which is wrong. I'm sure everyone at some stage in their lives have thought about it, but there is a difference between thinking and it and actually stealing.

Why do people who can afford to buy things shoplift them instead?

I believe that the answer to this question is varied according to different people. I used to know some girls from my school who use to steal, this could afford everything they took, but they did it for the adrenalin rush they got.
Some people do it because of the peer pressure they get from others just so they can 'fit in'. Another reason could be to survive by stealing food and water, as horrible as that is i still don't agree with it, there is many charities who will help them.

No matter what type of stealing it is or why is is committed i personally don't agree with it.


Thursday 15 February 2007

A trip to a bad place

In my first blog i will be suggesting a bad place where we, as a class could go for a field trip. I have had a few thoughts such as a brothel, prison or primary school (because i hate children).
My finale thought in a place we could go is a prison, me and my friend Abi think it would be really interesting to go to one. Apart from it been scary we could do some sort of survey to find out what type of things people committed to be sent there. Afterwards we could disgust the crimes committed and see whether people agree with there punishments.
Although i know we wouldn't go to a prison it would be a bad place to go, but intriguing xxx