Wednesday 7 March 2007


I do think that smoking is a 'bad' thing, it has no advantages at all.
Whenever you ask a smoker "what is a good thing about smoking?" not one good answer is given. Most of the time people just say, 'because i look good doing it' it makes me laugh because it's so far from the truth.
I don't mind if people want to smoke because it's a personal choice but i get frustrated when people smoke due to peer pressure etc. I wish people were strong and stood up for their OWN opinions. Most of my old school friends smoked only because the 'popular' kids did, i hated it.
I suffer with asthma so it effects me when i am surrounded by smokers, which i am at least 4 nights a week when i work. I work in a pub where obviously people smoke, i don't mind it as long as there smoke only in smoking areas. It annoys me when people are rude and smoke in none areas.
Some smokers are rude and don't consider others around them, it's not the nicest of things to have people's smoke blown in your face. It''s frustrating because then it starts affecting my health and why should it if I've chosen not to smoke.
I think that when the smoking ban arrives it will benefit most people, it will give people a reason to quit and see the difference health and money wise.

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