Wednesday 21 February 2007


Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex but then not supplying it?

I found this question fairly hard to answer, i heard different point of views and agreed with some arguments. I don't think it is prostitution because the sex didn't take place, if the person who was been dined knew that they would have to have sex in return and did i would think that it could be classed as prostitution. For me it would have to really depend on the situation.

If it is prostitution then how much is a reasonable charge?

Prostitution is the worst job for anyone to do and i don't think any amount of money can buy sex from somebody. I think more people in the world should start respecting themselves more and not just put it out there to buy. As i don't agree with prostitution is anyway i don't think that sex can have a price tag.

1 comment:


I feel the same way about this topic, prostitution is a terrible thing to do, i think that it shows a total lack of respect for all involved and nothing could jusify selling your body for sex.
In relation to the film, it didnt seem to me that it was ever in the mind of Tiffany to sell her body for sex and so I don't think she was a prostitute, however the man that gave her the money may well have hoped for sex in return even though this was never verbalised and so i would say that he fits more closely to the term prostitute as he was the only one willing to put a price on sex.