Thursday 10 May 2007

Size 0

We i go out looking for clothes or look in magazines i hate it when i see young skinny models posing in the clothes. They don't look good and don't do any satisfactory for the item of clothing, because they don't even fill the outfit out.

When i look at a size 0 model i think that she look ill, i don't want to see what her skeleton looks like walking down the catwalk and i would agree in saying size 0 is bad!.

In college i did a art project on anorexia and i was horrified when i discovered pictures of girls who purposely starve themselves, i hate looking at them. There are people starving all over the world but not on purpose so why do it when your lucky enough to have food whenever you want it?.

When i was doing my research i discovered web sites that encouraged girls to become anorexic and i couldn't believe it. They was saying Victoria Beckham is anorexic and you will look as good as her if you do the same.

Being a size 0 is not healthy and doesn't look good no matter what you do and from every angle i think the government should be doing more to ban size 0 models from being on catwalks and magazines, because young girls who look at those magazines etc will think that's normal and will idolise it. That's when eat disorders occur and it's not right.

I had a friend who had a eating disorder we was at school and she thought she was fat just because other girls called her fat and she didn't have an ounce of fat on her, it was the girls being Jealous of her figure. After a while i noticed that she wasn't eating and was losing weight, mostly in her face. I remember she had huge cheek bones were there was her skull and skin it was awful.

I see her around sometimes and she has put some of the weight back on, not enough though. She eventually had stopped being tormented because people saw what they were doing to her, but it shouldn't come down to girls starving themselves for anything, whether is to get on the catwalk or from being bullied its wrong whatever way you look at it.

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